
Effective stress support

Mental Health

What is it about?

A day that is constantly planned to the brim with time pressure, information overload, difficulties in the family, separations, stressful life circumstances, crises such as COVID, a sudden illness, an accident, a bereavement—many things can throw our mental balance out of kilter, and then we need help as quickly as possible. Employees can find this help at our family service. There, they can get competent advice from psychologists with therapeutic training within a very short time. This brings clarity and rapid relief. The whole process is anonymous, of course.

What do I get out of it?

  • Our family service helps quickly and efficiently—within about one hour and without red tape.
  • One can seek counseling on personal and professional concerns as well as mental stress: e.g., situations of overload, stress or everyday worries, burn-out, anxiety, depression, conflicts at work, alcohol and addiction problems, grief and loss, crises and emergencies.
  • With the psychological specialist, you can quickly and very easily find important relieving steps out of a crisis.
  • The amount of consultation depends on the need and is usually about 3 hours; if further care is needed, tips, information and addresses for contact points for further care are provided.
  • All information that employees give out is treated strictly anonymously and confidentially. ELATEC only receives statistical information about how often the service was used.
  • In addition, there is also an online portal with advisory documents, written information, free short webinars and lectures.
Petra Härle

Petra Härle

Manuela Wagener

Manuela Wagener

Petra Warth

Petra Warth

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