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Best RFID Solutions

Extended Development Kit from Elatec

The new DevPack now allows the readers to be configured for English, French and German keyboard layouts.

A very convenient development kit, DevPack 4.01 is now available for suppliers of identification solutions using Elatec's multifrequency and multi-standard radio-frequency identification (RFID) readers.


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Munich (Germany), 8 July 2020 - A very convenient development kit, DevPack 4.01 is now available for suppliers of identification solutions using Elatec's multifrequency and multi-standard radio-frequency identification (RFID) readers. The security and configurability of the TWN4 RFID readers have once again been significantly improved.

The heart of the software development kit is the AppBlaster Tool configuration module. The new DevPack now allows the readers to be configured for English, French and German keyboard layouts. In the central console, the output formats (decimal/hexadecimal) and output protocols are defined for reading and writing RFID cards. The central console is where you can select the supported transponder technologies, manage the memory options for the cards and set audio and acoustic feedback signals for the reader.

Higher levels of security

The security architecture has been expanded by the Elatec RFID specialists to include an additional security level. Firmware images can now be cryptographically protected against unauthorized changes using self-selected keys. Reader options can be enabled via remote upgrade.

Fast firmware updates

The great strength of RFID readers from Elatec is their flexibility. This allows device manufacturers to leave the platform open for any transponders and standards used by their customers. Changing to other card technologies for user authentication and access control solutions in existing installations is possible at any time without difficulty. Updates in the field are extremely easy to carry out. With the new Mirror Image function, a firmware update can be made to the TWN4 Palon and TWN4 Slim series readers during normal operation via almost any device interface (USB, RS232, RS485 e.g. OSDP, NFC, BLE). With the new MultiBIX firmware images, it is no longer necessary to distinguish between core-, mini- and nano-based readers. When programming the apps for the TWN4 readers, interrupts can be used to enable communication in the background and fast state changes.

Mobile phone applications

With version 4.01 of its Development Kit, Elatec supports Transact NFC credentials for both Android and iOS mobile devices. Third-party Apple VAS Pass is also supported. This enables the use of NFC-enabled Apple Wallet cards, including support for custom keys.

Latest ELATEC DevPack now available for download.

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