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How to Use the Advantages of RFID in Your Kiosk System

Those who integrate RFID into their kiosk systems benefit in several ways. In particular, the added convenience for providers and users is unbeatable.

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Basic knowledge about RFID in kiosk equipment.

Wonder why RFID technology is increasingly becoming an indispensable component of kiosk systems? Want to know what to consider when integrating RFID functions into an existing system? Then look forward to answers and basic information in this six-page white paper.

The advantages of RFID are convincing: in terms of manageability, reliability, speed and security.

Choosing the optimal solution for kiosk access is not easy. First, get an overview, and then find the right option for your individual objectives. If, for example, speed is an important aspect, RFID is the right choice for you: the reader can identify a kiosk user in milliseconds.

If your company operates internationally, you should be aware that some systems are not certified in all countries—so rely on universal readers, because incompatibility can be expensive.

It's also important to be far-sighted when it comes to security and administration. Find out what is established and proven in practice, so you can make the right choice.

Learn the most important facts about the technology in this white paper and see how to realize maximum value for your business.

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