and Practice

Secure Printing in the IoT Network

Learn how RFID solutions bring maximum convenience and productivity from networked multifunction printers…

and how your business can benefit in more ways than one.

Get your exclusive whitepaper.

Covering increased security requirements for networked multifunction devices.

Networked multifunction printers have already found their way into many companies as entry-level IoT devices. The advantages in terms of convenience and productivity are also compelling. However, since the devices are part of the open "Internet of Things" ecosystem, they need special protection. In this white paper, you can read about how you can do this with little effort using RFID.

Read why RFID solutions for printing in an IoT environment can do much more than just comply with security regulations.

Since reliable user identification and access control are crucial success factors for secure printing in the IoT environment, RFID solutions are ideal: they are easy to install, convenient to use and absolutely reliable in operation. The white paper explains in detail why universal RFID readers excel in these areas, in plain language. Plus, read a Case Study from the field.

Anyone who uses IoT applications, or plans to use them, can benefit from a future-proof solution with RFID. Read the whitepaper to find out why RFID is the ideal solution for you in terms of security, cost and productivity.

Read the eight-page white paper to learn what RFID offers for print management and security in the IoT era. Very concrete and practical.

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