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超过800家参展商将展示物联网产业链。 请参阅现场的RFID技术,传感器网络,短距离通信,金融移动支付,中间件,大数据处理,云,实时定位等。
来自世界各地的RFID和无线物联网供应商。 欧洲最大的RFID和无线IOT技术展览会。
2021年embedded world将吸引900名来自世界各地的参展商和演讲者,是嵌入式系统的最新创新之地,从物联网应用到电子系统安全。 ELATEC将在这里帮助您解决有关RFID和嵌入式系统移动凭证的所有问题
准备好专注于消费者物联网和智慧城市应用! ELATEC 很荣幸成为由 RFID & Wireless IoT 主办的这场直播活动的赞助商。
医疗自动化和数字化大会是一个 B2B 网络活动,面向来自该行业整个价值链的 250 多名医疗保健专业人士。
来自世界各地的 RFID 和无线物联网供应商。 欧洲最大的 RFID 和无线物联网技术盛会。
第十六届国际物联网展是物联网产业链的完整展示,包括物联网感知层和智能应用层。 今年秋天,让我们相约中国深圳物联网博览会。
SECTECH是安全领域内供应商,维护人员,顾问和采购经理的交流会。 参展商和参观者可以进行互动,并获得最新动态。
SECTECH是精简型的展览和研讨会计划,潜力巨大。 展览和研讨会完全集中在安全技术上。
准备好专注于工业物联网和维护! ELATEC 很荣幸成为由 RFID & Wireless IoT 主办的这场直播活动的赞助商。
Jan Broz, Area Sales Manager Czech Republic will give a lecture about "How Humans and Machines Work Together - Machine Authentication for the Smart Automotive Factory"
Listen to Burhan Gündüz talking about Smart authentication solutions for Healthcare 4.0. Discover secure authentication options for hospitals and clinics, including RFID and emerging smartphone solutions.
ELATEC is proud to be a sponsor of this live-streamed event hosted by RFID & Wireless IoT. Participation is free, so sign up today to see what’s coming in the world of WIOT!
RFID & Wireless IoT suppliers from all over the world. Europe's largest event for RFID & Wireless IOT technologies.
The premier EU event for embedded systems: medical tech, mobility, industrial automation & more. Stop by our booth to see our authentication solutions in action!
Join us in the Czech Republic to see what’s new in access control & authentication for digital technologies, automation, communication, security and more. We’ll be there live!
Find out what’s new in the security world at this UK industry showcase. ELATEC will be there with our security solutions for authentication & access control.
The premier security event in Sweden! Stop by to see how ELATEC is driving innovation with smart all-in-one solutions for secure authentication and access control.
The premier EU event for embedded systems: medical tech, mobility, industrial automation & more. Come visit us at our partner booth with LEGIC to see our authentication solutions in action!
Watch and learn! These videos have everything you ever wanted to know about user authentication and access control. Choose between short videos that give you a quick overview of common questions or self-study videos that explain compley topics clearly.
无论世界上发生什么事,我们的专家和顾问始终在您身边。 请告诉我们,你希望参加什么样主题的研讨会。
Our custom webinar is an opportunity for you and your team to get personalized, in-depth advice on a topic of your choice. We can put together a custom program around your business model.
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