TWN4 upgrade card

To offer maximum flexibility and choice, ELATEC has added a new tool to the TWN4 product family: the TWN4 upgrade card.

The standard version of Elatec TWN4 products support a wide variety of transponders and RFID technologies. The population of technologies can be extended by adding option P, option I, or option PI of a TWN4 product. With the upgrade card, additional technologies can be added quickly and without the need for additional tools or special know-how. The advantages are clear and numerous.

The right product for you?

Todas las ventajas de un vistazo

Cost- and time-effective reader upgrade

Differentiates and enhances your support offering

For readers in-field and in stock

Características del producto

Características del producto

Customer specific versions are available

Special Kits (TPK-UPGSP-I50, TPK-UPGSP-PI50) with SE processors for a license activation without the use of a SAM socket

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About upgrade cards

On the one hand, customers can be offered the exact solution they need – standard, P, I or PI – and avoid delivering under-or-over qualified products, while ensuring product longevity with the possibility of easy upgrades in the field.

On the other hand, you can reduce your own complexity by simplifying inventory, while simultaneously increasing flexibility through customized products. The added benefit lies in optimized costs and inventory management, additional flexibility, quicker time-to-market, and an extra level of support, which is an advantage over competitors.

Opciones soportadas

Opciones soportadas

  • P – for HID Prox
  • I – for HID iCLASS
  • PI – for HID Prox and iCLASS
Volumen de pedido

Volumen de pedido

  • 5 licenses
  • 10 licenses
  • 25 licenses
  • 100 licenses


Upgrade cards for I and PI versions include the respective number of SIM card(s) (either 5, 10, 25 or 100 SIM card(s)), which are important for the license activation.



  • Upgrade card with at least one license remaining TWN4 product with bootloader 1.05 or newer
  • PC with DevPack 3.12b or newer
  • The search function for upgrade cards must be enabled on the reader; please find a detailed description in the TWN4 upgrade card User Guide
  • Note: From firmware 3.13 on, the search function for upgrade cards will be set on our readers as default


Upgrade cards can only be used with TWN4 products with an active HF interface. A standard TWN4 product with LEGIC can be used with upgrade cards P only.

For further information, please check out the documentation in the DevPack or contact our customer support.

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