
Where to buy

Fast and easy access to products and value
with ELATEC Authorized Partners

Our Partners

With an Authorized ELATEC Partner, you are assured convenient access to the technologies, expertise and support you need with the industry’s most advanced identification and authentication capabilities for any application.

I want to be part of the network

Our distributors


403 North Main St., Benton
AR USA 72015


Barcodes, Inc.

200 W. Monroe St., Chicago
IL USA 60606


Future Electronics

237 Hymus Boulevard, Pointe Claire, Quebec 
Canada H9R 5C7


xpressrfid logo


4101 Randolph St.

San Diego, CA 92103


Your future as a partner

Has ELATEC won you over? Then come on board as a partner in our development and sales network!


Distribute ELATEC products through your sales network — with heart, soul and success.

Sales partners

Use our products and develop comprehensive solutions for your customers that are creative, innovative and exciting.

Technology/integration partner

Integrate our products in your solutions. Sounds good? We think so, too!

Even better together.

Get in touch with us