

Secure and mobile access

KleverKey perfectly complements mobile apps and a comprehensive cloud service for your printing or access application. Just use your smartphone as you would your badge.

KleverKey credentials and subscriptions can be purchased via ELATEC – please contact your sales representative for more details.

The right product
for you?

Your advantages at a glance

Grant and revoke digital keys anytime, from anywhere

Use your smartphone instead of your RFID card – the thing you’re always carrying with you

Proven security with industry-standard encryption

About KleverKey

KleverKey adds mobile credential functionality to an ELATEC TWN4 BLE capable reader with ease. KleverKey is fully integrated into the ELATEC DevPack structure and configuration is as simple as adding a standard RFID tag to an ELATEC reader.

As an administrator, you can manage permissions easily by using the KleverKey portal or a connected application.
As a user, you can use your smartphone to securely start your printing job. Or open doors. Or unlock cabinets. No more need to carry a badge with you.

Product Features

Product Features

Works on any ELATEC TWN4 reader with BLE functionality

Credentials can be purchased via ELATEC

Events & activity logs

Invite new users

Works with Bluetooth® Low Energy

Proven security with industry-standard encryption

Grant & revoke anytime, anywhere (permanent or restricted permissions)

Request a permission

Use your smartphone instead of your badge

Video Manual

KleverKey Video Manual

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How to register as a new KleverKey user

You'll see what steps you need to do to become a registered and verified KleverKey user.

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Add a new Admin

This video shows how an admin can add another admin to his account by means of the KleverKey portal.

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Admin grants permission

This video shows how an admin can grant a permission to a user by means of the KleverKey portal.

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Invite feature

This video shows how an admin can invite a new guest to KleverKey by means of the KleverKey portal.

Pictures & Videos

Pictures & Videos

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ELATEC and KleverKey - Secure Printing
KleverKey - Access Control
KleverKey - Secure Printing
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ELATEC Solutions - Mobile Access Credentials
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