TWN4 Config Programmer kit

The TWN4 Config Programmer is a set of components which contains an RFID writer, special contactless TWN4 Configuration Cards and an App. Project specific reader settings are configured in the App and then encoded onto the TWN4 Configuration Cards. When the programmed Configuration Card is swiped over a reader, it adopts the new settings.

The TWN4 readers inherently support over 60 RFID technologies in the 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz frequency ranges. The TWN4 Configuration Card configures a device to read only certain technologies or frequencies. Its greatest advantage is that it can also be used to (re)program large numbers of proximity readers via air interface without disassembling the device or connecting it to a computer. This significantly reduces the configuration effort required for large-scale projects.

The right product for you?

Your advantages at a glance

Easy management and distribution to in-field readers

Reduces configuration efforts significantly

Additional security – subsequent programming attempts can be password protected

Security and traceability

Security and traceability

Detailed information about the setup on the configuration card and the project associated with it can be accessed only by the individual who programmed the card. No access is provided to any project-specific confidential data. Furthermore, the reader’s ability to be configured by simply reading configuration cards does not interfere with critical applications.

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Configuration Card Quick Demo
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Configuration Card Tutorial
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The product images and features described on this website may refer to specific product variants or additional components and shall not be considered as a binding description. Please contact us for more information regarding the product variants available in the different markets.
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