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RFID user authentication
and access control in
industrial automation

What You Need to Know

Extend RFID identification card-based capability for the access control of PLC, robot and HMI automation controller software and devices requiring special operator training.

Get your exclusive whitepaper.

With automated systems growing in number and increasingly interconnected, programmable controller hardware, software and HMI access control become crucial. This whitepaper explains the benefits and application considerations of RFID card systems.

Reduce automation controller risks and liabilities with secure RFID authentication.

User authentication allows for employee accountability. Access control and authorization determine if the employee has the proper skill set, is currently certified and is trained to run the manufacturing systems. Equally important is that an employee is authorized to enter a hazardous area to perform maintenance or some other activity.

Read how RFID authentication reduces automation controller risks and liabilities

User authentication and authorization to access industrial automation equipment in factories today must be easy to use, flexible, durable, secure, and stand up well to environmental elements. RFID card systems address these application requirements better than other methods and offer added benefits. RFID cards are the most widely used form of identity authentication and access control today. 

In this whitepaper, learn how combining ELATEC’S highly flexible, multipurpose TWN4 MultiTech reader/writer with the powerful TCP3 network interface module enables manufacturing plants to extend RFID identification card-based capability to the access control of devices requiring special operator training like PLC, robot and HMI automation controllers. And to control access to hazardous areas.

What is the best way to ensure product quality and production uptime in industrial automation? Make sure that only trained and authorized people can access the programmable controllers.

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