New Naming Conventions
for Our Readers

How do you know if an ELATEC RFID reader comes
with or without a housing? Check the name.

Starting in 2021, you can quickly differentiate products without a housing
by looking for the “M” extension in the product name.

Contact us for further information.

We make a lot of different types of RFID readers for different applications—and sometimes that can be confusing. That’s why we’re introducing a new naming convention to make it easier to differentiate between products with and without a housing.

  • Moving forward from January 2021, all products without a housing (printed circuit board/PCB products) will be identified by adding the extension “M” (for module) after the product name. For example, the TWN4 MultiTech 2 BLE and TWN4 Palon Square versions without a housing will be named “TWN4 MultiTech 2 BLE M” and “TWN4 Palon Square M.”  The M will appear on the product label and in all product literature and datasheets.
  • All new PCB products will follow this naming convention. Existing product names will also be changed as we update our literature and datasheets and manufacture new circuit boards. This has already happened for some products, and others are being updated step-by-step. The products themselves remain the same—only the names have changed.
  • Moving forward, look for the printed “M” right on the product and in the documentation for readers without a housing. Now it’s easier than ever to find the exact version of an ELATEC reader you are looking for!
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