Many employees want to continue to benefit from the advantages of flexible, location-independent working in the future. According to a survey, 75% of participants would also like to have increased mobility in work in the future. Companies, organizations and even government agencies can seize their opportunity in the competition for the best minds by creating an attractive working environment. Simple, convenient processes that run just as smoothly in the office as they do when working on the move are a clear plus for employees. At the same time, access to data, networked devices and software systems must be protected in the best possible way at all times.

Single Sign-on applications for a new world of work
Authentication solutions with RFID and mobile technologies
Whether in companies, organizations or government agencies: the pandemic has permanently changed the way we work. When it comes to choosing a place to work, employees today can often make flexible decisions. But regardless of whether they are in the office or at home, data and networks must be protected against unauthorized access at all times and in all places. Single sign-on/PC logon systems that combine middleware with RFID (radio frequency identification) or smartphone-enabled technologies for user authentication can make an important contribution here.