Authentication Pro Webinar

This session covers advanced topics in reader programming, security and mobile credentialing

Your TWN4 reader/writer is capable of a whole lot more. This is the session that will show you how. Take a closer look at the Director tool, mobile credentialing options, device security and our remote firmware update option.

Upcoming dates

For this year, we don't have any more fixed dates for our Advanced Webinar. You can request a custom webinar here or
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This is part of the Authentication Pro Webinar:

This session covers advanced topics in reader programming, security, mobile credentialing and more. It is an interactive session that will give you hands-on experience with the ELATEC DevPack and Director tools. You’ll learn how to:

  • Use ELATEC Director to test internal firmware functions and APIs on the TWN4—without writing a single line of code
  • Set up BLE or NFC mobile credentialing options for iOS and Android, including KleverKey, SafeTrust and ELATEC’s own Mobile Badge BLE/NFC application
  • Configure advanced security options for TWN4, including encryption key settings and firmware image encryption
  • Update firmware on installed TWN4 readers remotely over a network using the Remote Firmware Update Tool

Who should come:

This course is for system integrators and OEMs using the TWN4 MultiTech reader across all applications. The knowledge you’ll gain here will build the capacity of your team to program, configure and customize your TWN4 readers for the specific needs of your application. This is our most advanced course, designed for IT professionals with moderate to advanced knowledge of authentication technologies. Not ready for this level? Check out Authentication Basics and Authentication Advanced.  


60 Minutes.


Our Pro course is just 99 EUR per person. Group prices are available on request. If you are not feeling ready for Pro yet, you should take our Basic or Advanced webinar first.

Looking for a customized webinar?

If you would like a webinar customized for your team and your RFID application, we can do that, too! Just tell us what you’d like to learn, and we’ll build a custom webinar for you.

Get in touch with us