Health hotline
Exclusive medical help and services, around the clock.
What is it about?
One thing is clear: nothing beats good health. Often we only notice it when something hurts or doesn't work as usual. To make sure that doesn't happen and that we can react as quickly as possible if something pinches, ELATEC offers its employees the health hotline in cooperation with the health experts from ElipsLife. You can get advice and help around the clock. If desired, anonymously. Employees receive answers to questions that concern them and, if necessary, an appointment with a specialist earlier than usual.

What do I get out of it?
- Finally, no more waiting forever for appointments with a doctor or therapist.
- There is immediate help from health experts and medically trained staff when a medical question arises or if employees have anything else health-related on their minds.
- Immediate help is also available for those facing minor or major mental health challenges.
- Employees can get advice on treatment options, vaccinations, medications or psychological challenges.
- Around the clock, 365 days a year, and in pretty much any language, experts are available to talk.
- If a topic or question remains unanswered, we provide employees with a health guide who deals with their concerns intensively and personally.