Bring your dog to work
A welcoming culture for everyone
What is it about?
The dog, a faithful companion? And how! Our "staff" also includes a few four-legged friends. Some of them always come to the office while their owners are there. Others visit us only from time to time. They are all welcome—provided they get along with our other office dogs and, of course, with humans.

What do I get out of it?
- You can be sure that your four-legged darling is well taken care of.
- The stress of organizing a dog sitter or similar is finally eliminated, which may also save money.
- There is someone who takes you for a walk during your lunch break. This has been proven to be better than sitting inside all day, and also brings joy to colleagues when they come along.
- Before employees bring their dog along for the first time, they should check with their manager and colleagues ahead of time to make sure it's okay with them. The most important thing, of course, is that everyone feels comfortable in the office. It could be that someone has allergies or simply had a bad experience with dogs—so this is where sensitivity on the part of the dog owners is called for.
- In our production environment, we work with sensitive electronic components, so unfortunately dogs can't join their owners here.