Retirement pension
More allowance for the golden years
What is it about?
Living well, even in old age! Everyone wants that, but it's hardly possible with the statutory pension alone. The pension level is set to reach 43% by 2030. To help employees maintain their standard of living and receive more pension later, we provide more employer contributions than required by law. Those with lower salaries find it particularly difficult to make private provision and therefore receive a special subsidy from ELATEC. We have also selected an insurance partner who invests the funds according to sustainable criteria.

What do I get out of it?
- Our employer subsidy is 30% instead of the legally required 15%. In addition, you benefit from better conditions through the group contract.
- Anyone earning up to EUR 3,500 gross receives a monthly employer subsidy of EUR 40—regardless of whether the employee invests money him- or herself.
- If someone already has a direct insurance policy, this is taken over (after risk assessment) or, if desired, transferred to Stuttgarter Versicherung. Other employers often do not offer this, because it means administrative effort. This is secondary for us— because the focus is on safeguarding the future of our employees.
- When concluding the contract, you are advised by experienced insurance experts who not only have return targets in mind, but also focus on green and sustainable investment. Our insurance partner for new contracts for direct insurance is Stuttgarter Versicherung, which also takes ethical, social and ecological aspects into account in its investments.